Ferry schedule information

The Rivière-du-Loup/St-Siméon ferry has 2 to 4 scheduled departures per day at set hours. This schedule varies with the seasons. Note that the crossing takes approximately 70 minutes.

The schedule is modified during holiday periods to provide our customers with service that meets their vacation travel needs. We recommend that you arrive:

  • During summer and holiday: 90 minutes before departure
  • During spring and fall: 30 minutes before departure during the week, 60 minutes on Fridays and Sundays.

See the 2025 schedule below for full details. You can also download the full schedule by clicking here.

Note that the schedule is subject to change without notice, particularly when the weather conditions are poor. A notice is immediately posted on our website to inform our customers of any such changes. You can follow us on Facebook or X(Twitter).

Bus Reservation Information

Reservations are not required for cars to board the MV Trans-Saint-Laurent. However, reservations are recommended for groups of 10 or more travelling by minibus, bus or coach.

Boarding proceeds in order of arrival, so we recommend that you be at the dock:

  • 90 minutes before departure during the summer and holidays
  • 30 minutes before departure during the spring and fall

Recreational vehicles with propane tanks in excess 65-litres are allowed (approved by Transport Canada).

For additional details about the ferry and the services available on board, please visit the Service section.


Choose a date and an underlined location to book a bus for your group.

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